Sunday, August 31, 2008

Oh Stargate, how I miss thee...

Well, it's official, Stargate Atlantis has been canceled after 5 seasons. And this just a year after Stargate SG1 has been canceled. I'm not sure what the powers that be think they're doing by canceling great shows. Their excuse this time is that they'd prefer to end the show while it's doing well so that DTV movies are more likely to sell. They're also going to start a third series Stargate Universe to fill in where Atlantis should be on TV. They claim that they can put more money into the movies and get better production quality. I say screw the production quality, I'd rather have good stories. I can get by with the special effects that they've had for the past 11 years, but you can't fit 20 hours of good stories into 4 hours of movies a year. Atlantis felt like it was just taking off and becoming a great stand-alone show that didn't rely on the momentum of SG-1. We jst learned that there are other races in the Pegasus Galaxy besides humans and wraith, and there are a few story lines that could really be expanded now. But instead they're going to really limit their ability to tell the big story. If I had a preference I'd like to see the new show, Stargate Universe be a series of movies and leave Atlantis as a tv series. That way we can continue with the depth of stories that have already been started with Atlantis and get a little extra with something new. Oh well, I still love Stargate and I'll take what I can get.

More on why I was disappointed in Atlantis and what I'd like to see, and what I fear for Universe in a future post...

Save Stargate Atlantis

First they take SG-1 and now Atlantis! Atlantis feels like it's just taking on a life of its own. It's been overshadowed by SG-1 for so long, but now that it's out on its own it finally feels like it's becoming a mature show. Then they have to go and cancel it after 5 years. Go sign the petition to save SGA!

Save Stargate Atlantis

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Welcome & Disclaimer

Here is where I'll talk about more controversial topics, like religion, politics, and science fiction (ok, so not all controversial stuff). I'm going to leave my blog on my personal site mainly for stuff about the family and events in my life, friends, and other relatively benign issues. But I've been wanting a place to voice my opinion about other stuff, too. So that's what I'll do here. I also like the features that Blogger has for quick posting of stuff from the web, so this will also be a way to keep track of interesting things I find or learn online. They may just be links to other web pages, or chunks of text that I found useful, or other tidbits of information I gather off the web.

So now, the disclaimer... Regardless of my personal viewpoints, I first and foremost respect everyone's opinions. So go ahead and comment on my posts, but please no flames or harsh words. I'll respect your opinions if you respect mine. I'm a believer in allowing everyone their own opinions and preferences and don't believe I have the right to force my opinions on anyone (although I will share them openly) and vice versa.