Monday, September 15, 2008

A cow jumped into the pond?

I was sitting downstairs playing on the computer waiting for Julie to finish putting Michael to sleep when I heard squealing tires. That's not unusual in a college town, but then they squealed again, very loud and sounding like the car was out of control, not just taking off fast. So I ran to the window and looked out just in time to see a car slide into the pond across the street. I ran to the phone and called 911.

I was on the porch talking to the 911 operator trying to tell her that a car went into the pond. "A cow jumped into the pond?" she asked. I suppose it is possible in DeKalb, but no, it was a car going into the pond. She said she'd send officers right over. I saw three kids walking away from the car, but I went outside to see if there was anyone still in the car. By the time I walked over to it the police had arrived. One officer had stopped the kids and was talking to them. Another talked to me for a few minutes after seeing that the car was empty except for a bottle of wine in the back.

So that was my excitement for the day...

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