Monday, September 15, 2008

Meatatarian and proud!

Eating Red Meat Beefs Up Brain
Scott Reeves Sep 15, 2008 11:30 am

Brain shrinkage linked to B12 deficiency. Vegans beware.

This just in: Hamburgers may be health food.

Scientists at Oxford University in England have found that adopting a vegetarian or vegan diet may be bad for your brain.

Researchers found that those who adopt a meat-free diet are 6 times more likely to sustain brain shrinkage than those who gobble hamburgers, chicken or liver.

See, eating meat is healthy!  Say goodbye to lentils and beans and hello to burgers and steak.

Here's another article: Meat, fish and milk prevent memory loss


Julie said...

Sorry, Sweetie. It's more like, "Add a side of meat to my huge plate of beans and lentils and random veggies." At least as long as I'm your wife :)

Julie said...

Oh, and here's another thing: When they say that meat is good for you, they are referring to the high quality, lean, decently fed kind. Not the White Castle's Kind. Just so we are clear :)